Virtual Box Hangs Whole System While Booting

After Install the virtual Box in my Linux System.while I start the virtual box then it is going to hangs on my whole system.I can't use my Keyboard and Mouse. To again get back my system simply I have to restart the whole machine.
Remove the Module kvm-intel,ksm,kvm,
To List out moudule use #lsmod | grep kvm
kvm - Kernel based Virtual Machine.
it is Virtualation Infrastruture for Linux kernel.
ksm- Kernel Semepage Mergning.
To run he virtualbox in the Linux system , we should remove the following module.
#rmmod kvm
#rmmod kvm-intel
#rmmod ksm
#modprobe -r kvm - To remove Permentaly
Then try it. Your Virtual Box will be working without any issu.
Note: Before we install the virtual Box, We should install dmks-Dynamic Kernal Module.
Virtual box going to hangs on the system while booting.

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