View Time Stamp Of The Command
bash @script # export HISTTIMEFORMAT='%F %T '
It will list out command with timestamps
bash @script #history
26 2010-05-05 16:04:08 /etc/init.d/networking restart
27 2010-05-05 16:04:24 service networking restart
28 2010-05-05 16:04:55 find / -name iptable*
29 2010-05-05 16:11:27 /sbin/iptables-save
30 2010-05-05 16:11:33 service networking restart
if you need to reset as per pervious Format
bash @script # export HISTTIMEFORMAT=''
Search Command History
using shortcut - Hot Key
Ctrl+R -search command history
bash @script #
(reverse-i-search)`find': find / -name bash_profile*
How To Save The Linux History Command Into Separate File
#history >> file.txt
it will save the history of command into the file.txt file.
How to Executed Previous Command
Method 1) !! Execute the previous command
[root@localhost home]# !!
aquota.user lost+found user1
Here ls is previous executed command
Method 2) [root@localhost home]# !331 >> (#dir is the 331 command)dir
aquota.user lost+found user1
Method 3) [root@localhost home]# !c >>(command start with character c )
cd /
Method 4) use the up and Down arrow we can run currently executed commandClear The History command
After you finished any configuration if you need to clear the history command For maintaince security purpose.
[root@localhost etc]# history -c
How to Set History Limit using .bash_profile
If you like to set any Limit in history example if user only see the last
10 command in every time meang you can edit .bash_profile. I clearly expalain about these article from the following linkHISTORY COMMAND PERSONAL SETTING FILELimit no of command