1)if=/dev/sda of=mbr_backup bs=512 count=1
2)cd / if=mbr_backup of=/dev/sdb bs=446 count=1 (Copy the MBR)
3)dd if=/dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1 (Copy the boot parition)
4)sfdisk -d > part (Copy the parition table)
5)sfdisk /dev/sdb < part
dd if=/dev/sda of=GPT_TABLE bs=1 count=A
dd if=GPT_TABLE of=/dev/sdb bs=1 count=A
partprobe /dev/sdb
B=parted -ms /dev/sda print |tail -1|cut -b1
1)take sosreport
2)using dd - take the backup mbr/partition table
3)using rsync - take the backup of data. (/ /boot /var/ /altair )
1)Take the configuration backup of the PBS,pbsworks.qstat command out - last job - Application level
rsync -axv / --exclude=/boot/* --exclude=/mnt /mnt/root/
NOTE: create mount directory but won't copy the files.
Deploy Image
1)Before going to mount - we need run grub-install
2)We can do this via a) rescue mode
b) OS installation - (need to check - Because petition table needs to take properly)