Filter effect in the script code| Flip filter: flipv and fliph | How to change the text in the vertical and horizontal|

These filter effect it will give the attractive to the text. By Through simple filter effect we can add stylish
To the text without using any difficult long text type script code
1. <html>
2. <head><title>PRATICE</title>

3. </head>
4. <body bgcolor="yellow">
5. <div align="center"><table border="1" bordercolor="black">
6. <tr>
7. <td style="filter:fliph"><font color="red" size="50">studentwebsite</td>
8. <td><font color="red" size="50">studentwebsite</td>
9. </tr>
10. <tr>
11. <td style="filter:flipv"><font color="red" size="50">studentwebsite</td>
12. <td style="filter:fliph flipv"><font color="red" size="50">studentwebsite</td>
13. </tr>
14. <table>
15. </div>
16. <tr>
17. <td>
18. </body>
19. </html>
Line:7 fliph-horizontal it will change ordinary to horizontal form
Line:11:flipv-vertical will change ordinary to vertical form
Filter effect in the script code| Flip filter: flipv and fliph | How to change the text in the vertical and horizontal|

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