1) cp -var /media/RHEL_5.5\ x86_64\ DVD/Server/ /opt/rpm/
2)Install createrepo rpm package.
rpm -ivh createrepo-0.4.11-3.el5.noarch.rpm
3)Using Createrepo Package create the repo package for /opt/rpm.
createrepo /opt/rpm/
228/3116 - foomatic-3.0.2-38.3.el5.x86_64.rpm
4)Edit the /etc/yum.repos.d/filename.repo
Before Edit the File
1[c5-media]2name=CentOS-$releasever - Media
After Edit the File
1 [yumserver]2 name=yum serve
3 baseurl=file:///opt/rpm/
4 gpgcheck=0
5 enabled=1
Note : change Line 3,4,5
Verfiy whether Yum Install Sucessfully Or Not
# yum clean allLoaded plugins: fastestmirror
Cleaning up Everything
Cleaning up list of fastest mirrors
# yum list all
Server : [ ###################################### ]1223/2531
we have to get the these type of Output that confirm Yum installed succefully for this Server.
How to Configure Yum Server In Simple Step by step Installation Process.
#yum whatprovides portmap
portmap-4.0- : A program which manages RPC connections.
Repo : installed
Matched from:
Other : Provides-match: portmap