How To Configure Kick Start In Red hat Linux

By using Kick start we can do remote installation using NFS,http,FTP,CD-ROM,
if we want to install lot of system with same configuration,
we can create the configuration file (ks.cfg -kick start file) This method is known as Kick start.
#yum install system-config-kickstart >> install the kick start
#system-config-kickstart >> open the kick start GUI Windows
while in these set-up it will ask the basic setting about
Basic configuration,Installation Method,Boot Loader Option,Partition Information,Network configuration,Authentication,Firewall Configuration,Display configuration,Package selection,Pre-installation script,Post-installation script,
Generate ks.cfg file
Add the following line.
Then save these file as ks.cfg
For NFS through Kicks start installation
#mkdir /rhel5kickstart
#cp ks.cfg /rhel5kickstart
ADD the following line under /etc/exports
/rhel5kickstart *(rw)
#service nfs restart
If we use the http web server copy the ks.cfg file into /var/ww/html web server Document Root Directory.
In the client System
#Boot:linux ks >> if it NFS
#boot:linux ks= >> we need to configure web server | kickstart file ks.cfg

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