Configure Setup NIS Client | Setup NIS Client

Setup And Configure NIS client
For configure NIS server
Refer the below Link
Login to the client System
Run the setup command
[script@redhat home]# setup
Stopping portmap: [ OK ]
Starting portmap: [ OK ]
Binding to the NIS domain: [ OK ]
Listening for an NIS domain server.
It will open the Pop windows
Choose the option As per the following
Authentication configuration >>use NIS>>Next>>
Finally it will ask NIS Domain Name and there server IP give the details.

Verify Weather NIS Work Perfectly.
Now in the client system I didn't add any user like nisclient but now I login
as Nisclient Because in the server I add user Nis user
[script@redhat ~]# su nisclient
bash: /home/nisclient/.bashrc: Stale NFS file handle
why it is shows
bash: /home/nisclient/.bashrc: Stale NFS file handle
means the home directory it /home/nisclient it is
not persent here. It is persent only in the server.
So after the work the file it is not sotred in the server.
NIS YP service important daemon are ypbind, ypserv,yppasswd,yp-tools,ypcat,ypmatch,yppoll,ypset,ypwhich,ypchsh,ypchfn, Network Information Authentication.

To Configure NIS In Command Line Interface.
#authconfig --enablenis --nisdomain hpc.master --nisserver nis-server-ip --update

What Is Port Map
Portmap it is service runs on the node. It will map RPC(Remote Procedureal Call) program number to a network address of the server.
When the RPC server is start it will ask the portmap what port number it on listening stage.
and RPC program to prepare to serve. After determine the port number RPC packet should be send the packet.

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