Stock Maintenance Class Diagram Rational Rose Software

To create a class diagram to show the classes and relationships that participate in the basic flow of the withdraw use case.
PROCEDURE:See the basic thing and procedure of the Class diagram
Stock Maintenance Class Diagram it has four classes product details purchase details sales details and stock details. Product details it contain data variable pin code, opening stock, price as integer. And personal name as string. It has function add (). Delete (), update (), clear (), exit () function. In the second Purchase details class diagram it contains product date as date pin code , product quality, price as integer, and final one Serial name as string. There function are purchase save, Purchase delete (), pedit(). Sales Details class contain add Sales (), Exit () function and price, quality, pin code as integer and Cname as string. Finally one stock details class diagram it contains view stock (), cancel () function and there data variable as date1 and date2Stock Maintenance Class DiagramRESULT:
Thus the class diagram to show the classes and relationship that participate in the basic flow of the withdraw use case Rational Rose CS1403- CASE TOOLS SOFTWARE COMPONENT LAB

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