Analysis Classes Online Flight Ticket Reservation System

To analysis the different classes such as boundary class, entity class, control class of the reservation use-case.
Boundary Class:
A boundary class intermediates between the interface and something outside the system. Boundary classes insulate the system from changes in the surroundings. (example changes in interface to other systems & changes in the user requirements) Keeping the changes from affecting the reset of the systems. A system has several types of boundary classes.
User Interface Classes:
Classes that intermediate communication with human user of the system.
System Interface Classes:
Classes that intermediate communication with other systems .A boundary class that communicate with an external system is responsible for managing the dialog with the external system it provides the interface to that system for the system being built.
Device Interface Class:
Classes that provide interface to device which detect external events. These boundary classes capture the responsibilities of the service or sensor.
Entity Class:
Entity Classes represent stores of information in the system. The main responsibilities of entity classes are to store and manage information in the system.
Control Class:
1. Add classes to the browser
a. Open a project model in the browser expands logical view & then expand analysis model package.
b. Under the analysis model package add the class.
c. Now stereotype each class. Right click the class & then click open specification. Click the correct stereotype from the stereotype list.

2. Define Class Responsibilities
a. Double click the boundary class to open its specification window.
b. Click the operations tab & then right click in the white window.
c. Click insert, type the responsibility name over opname.
d. Repeat ‘c’ for each additional responsibility.
e. Repeat steps a to d to add responsibilities for the returning classes.

Thus the classes have been analyzed SUCCESSFULLY FOR Online Airway Ticket Reservation with Relational Rose software

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