Basic LNIX command, the commands

Who command :
The who command is used to get information about all the user working in the system.
Syntax: who

Who am I command :
The who am I command is used to know in which terminal the user is currently locked and also it
forms the login name, date and time of login to the system.
Syntax: who am i

The date command is used to print the system date and time.
Syntax: date
Cal :
The call command is used to print the calendar for the specified year.
Syntax: cal [month] [year]

The clear command is used to clear the screen of your terminal.
Syntax: clear

Pwd :
The pwd command is used to display the absolute pathname of the current working directory.
Syntax: pwd

The ls command is used to list out the names of all the files in the current working directory.
Syntax: ls

The man command is used to provide online commands with all the options that a command can
support followed by many additional information.
Syntax: man


Its used to create a new directory the argument of a command simply the name of the directory
you want to name.
Syntax: mkdir dir-name

Rmdir :
Its used to remove an existing directory. The argument of thecommand simply the name of the
directory you want to remove.
Syntax: rmdir dir-name

It is used to change from one working directory to another directory specified by its argument.
Syntax: cd dir-name

It is used to create a new file.
Syntax: cat > filename

Where > is the redirection input operator and file may be any valid filename.
The cat command is also used to display the contents of the file.
Syntax: cat filename

It is used to count the number of characters in a file or group of files.
Syntax: wc-c filename

It is used to count the number of word in a file or group of files.
Syntax: wc-w filename

Wc-l :
It is used to count the number of lines in a file or group of files.
Syntax: wc-l filename

It is used to copy one or more files. It creates an exact replica of file with a different filename in
the same directory or the same name in different directory.
Syntax: cp src-file destn-file

Mv command:
Its used to move file within a directory with different names and also used to move a file to a
different directories with its original filename.
Syntax: mv src-file destn-file

Its used for removing one or more file permenantly from th disk.
Syntax: rm filename

Head command:
Its used to display the top portion of a file which display the specified the number of lines or bytes
from the start of the file. By default it displays the first 10 lines of the file.
Syntax: head filename

Tail command:
Its used to display the bottom of the file. It displays a specified number of line or bytes form the
last 10 lines of the file.
Syntax: tail filename

Join command:
It is used to extract common lines from two sorted files, provided there should be a common field
concardinate the line from each input file column by column with space in between them
Syntax: join file1 file2

Sort command:
It is used to sort one or more files and it can also be used to merge files that have already been
sorted. It is used to arrange the lines in the files according to the command..
Syntax: sort filename

Grep command:
Grep command(global search for network expression and print) is used to search for a specified
pattern in one or more files.
Syntax: grep pattern filename

Write Basic LNIX command, the commands

Who command :
The who command is used to get information about all the user working in the system.
Syntax: who

Who am I command :
The who am I command is used to know in which terminal the user is currently locked and also it
forms the login name, date and time of login to the system.
Syntax: who am i

Date command:
The date command is used to print the system date and time.
Syntax: date
Cal command :
The call command is used to print the calendar for the specified year.
Syntax: cal [month] [year]

Clear command :
The clear command is used to clear the screen of your terminal.
Syntax: clear

Pwd command :
The pwd command is used to display the absolute pathname of the current working directory.
Syntax: pwd

Ls command :
The ls command is used to list out the names of all the files in the current working directory.
Syntax: ls

Man command :
The man command is used to provide online commands with all the options that a command can
support followed by many additional information.
Syntax: man


Mkdir command:
Its used to create a new directory the argument of a command simply the name of the directory
you want to name.
Syntax: mkdir dir-name

Its used to remove an existing directory. The argument of thecommand simply the name of the
directory you want to remove.
Syntax: rmdir dir-name

Cd command
It is used to change from one working directory to another directory specified by its argument.

Syntax: cd dir-name

It is used to create a new file.
Syntax: cat > filename

Where > is the redirection input operator and file may be any valid filename.
The cat command is also used to display the contents of the file.
Syntax: cat filename

Wc-c command:
It is used to count the number of characters in a file or group of files.
Syntax: wc-c filename

Wc-w command:
It is used to count the number of word in a file or group of files.
Syntax: wc-w filename

Wc-l command:
It is used to count the number of lines in a file or group of files.
Syntax: wc-l filename

Cp command:
It is used to copy one or more files. It creates an exact replica of file with a different filename in
the same directory or the same name in different directory.
Syntax: cp src-file destn-file

Mv command:
Its used to move file within a directory with different names and also used to move a file to a
different directories with its original filename.
Syntax: mv src-file destn-file

Rm command:
Its used for removing one or more file permenantly from th disk.
Syntax: rm filename

Head command:
Its used to display the top portion of a file which display the specified the number of lines or bytes
from the start of the file. By default it displays the first 10 lines of the file.
Syntax: head filename

Tail command:
Its used to display the bottom of the file. It displays a specified number of line or bytes form the
last 10 lines of the file.
Syntax: tail filename

Join command:
It is used to extract common lines from two sorted files, provided there should be a common field
concardinate the line from each input file column by column with space in between them
Syntax: join file1 file2

Sort command:
It is used to sort one or more files and it can also be used to merge files that have already been
sorted. It is used to arrange the lines in the files according to the command..
Syntax: sort filename

Grep command:
Grep command(global search for network expression and print) is used to search for a specified
pattern in one or more files.
Syntax: grep pattern filename

Write command:
Write command is used to communicate with other users who are currently locked in. it connects
one terminal to another terminal and provide two way communication between user.
Syntax: write user

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