Linux basic command man help ls mkdir rmdir

man : man command is used to learn unknown command
Example: you not know the command ls
if you like to know ls command by through simple type:man ls

syntax for man command
man commandname

kumar@jkumar-desktop:~$ man ls

it will display ls command behavior and other attribute
man command is the system's manual page.

help:help command look like man command
help command shows available option for that command
by using these man and help command you can learn all the command
Syntax for help command
kumar@jkumar-desktop:~$ ls –help

Then it will display available option for the for ls command

ls:ls command it will display list of directory contents.

kumar@jkumar-desktop:~$ ls

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mkdir:used to create to new folder

step1:first list files
kumar@jkumar-desktop:~$ ls

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step2:create new directory studentwebsite
kumar@jkumar-desktop:~$ mkdir studentwebsite

step3:list directory and see new studentwebsite folder is created
kumar@jkumar-desktop:~$ ls

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rmdir:used to remove to empdy directory

step1:first list files
kumar@jkumar-desktop:~$ ls

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step2:remove directory studentwebsite
kumar@jkumar-desktop:~$ rmdir studentwebsite/

step3:list directory and see old studentwebsite folder is remove
kumar@jkumar-desktop:~$ ls

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