Pxeos Error message
While creating pxeos
You must enter directory of the Operating System Software
This directory must include the images/pxeboot directories
Error Mounting: mount: no such partition found
while pxebootlinux(imagename) is not PXE Operating System
when we want to install the client Operating system from the server using kickstart method,we need to create the pxeboot, while creating it is not created perfeclty.I got the following error message.ERROR MESSAGE
pxeos -a -i "$OS_IDENTIFIER" -p NFS -D O-s $IPADDR -L /export/$IMAGE_NAME $IMAGE_NAMEYou must enter directory of the Operating System Software
This directory must include the images/pxeboot directories
Error Mounting: mount: no such partition found
pxeboot -a -O "$IMAGE_NAME" -K nfs:$IPADDR:/export/$IMAGE_NAME/kshclhpc2.cfg -r 10000 $PXE_NTWK
linux is not PXE Operating System
Check the NFS service whether It is booting perfeclty or not.
1)check the image contain the image/pxeboot directory with following 4 filesa)initrd.img b)README c)TRANS.TBL d)vmlinuz
2)Or check the NFS Service status
1)if you face the first problem copy the DVD content files correctly2)For second one,
try to restart the nfs service.
a)try to Restart NFS Service, if you face any problem in NFS Service
try the following link NFS ERROR MESSAGE (or) check the the server IP/subnetmask configuration.
b)If NFS is restarted perfectly try the following command
#exportfs -> it should show the mounted directory for pxeos Image.
Then try it your problem will be solved.
imagename is not PXE Operating System
Error Message 1:# pxeos -a -i "centos5.4" -p NFS -D 0 -s -L /export/centos5.4/ centos5.4
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/sbin/pxeos", line 594, in ?
status = pxe.updatePXE()
File "/usr/sbin/pxeos", line 277, in updatePXE
File "/usr/sbin/pxeos", line 234, in __getRemoteFile
File "/usr/share/system-config-netboot/netboot_util.py", line 24, in mkdir
raise err
OSError: [Errno 30] Read-only file system: '/mnt/centos5.4'
Solution : umount mounted iso from /mnt then the problem has been resolved.
Error Message 2:# pxeboot -a -O centos5.4 -K nfs: -r 10000 -e eth0
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/sbin/pxeboot", line 562, in ?
File "/usr/sbin/pxeboot", line 63, in __init__
socket.gaierror: (-3, 'Temporary failure in name resolution').
Solution: just take the -e eth0 parameter, then the problem got solved.
Error Message 3:# pxeos -a -i "centos6.4" -p NFS -D 0 -s -L /export/centos6.4/ centos6.4
You must enter directory of the Operating System Software
This directory must include the images/pxeboot directories
Error Mounting: mount.nfs: Connection timed out
Solution :This problem occur due to the nfs issue.
Try to resolve the nfs issue then the problem will be resolved.